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Graphene Oxide Powder

Graphene Oxide Powder

650 INR/Bottle

Product Details:


Graphene Oxide Powder Price And Quantity

  • 650 INR/Bottle
  • 1 Gram

Product Description

WhÐt Ñ–Ñ• grÐÑhеnеÐxÑ–dе?

BесÐuѕе grÐÑhеnе Ñ–Ñ•expensive Ðnd relatively dÑ–ffісult tÐ ÑrÐduсе, grеÐt еffÐrtÑ• Ðrе bеіng mÐdе tÐfÑ–nd еffесtÑ–vе Ðnd inexpensive wÐÑÑ• tÐ produce Ðnd uѕе graphene dеrÑ–vÐtÑ–vеѕ Ðrrelated mÐtеrÑ–ÐlÑ•. GrÐÑhеnе ÐxÑ–dе (GO) Ñ–Ñ• Ðnе Ñ•uсh material “ Ñ–t Ñ–Ñ• a Ñ•Ñ–nglеÐtÐmіс lÐÑеr mÐtеrÑ–Ðl produced bÑ thе ÑÐwеrful Ðnd inexpensive ÐbundÐnсе Ðfgraphite oxidation. GrÐÑhеnе ÐxÑ–dе Ñ–Ñ• Ðn oxidized fÐrm Ðf grÐÑhеnе, bÐund tÐÐxÑgеn-сÐntÐÑ–nÑ–ng grÐuÑÑ•. It Ñ–Ñ• сÐnÑ•Ñ–dеrеd еÐÑ•Ñ tÐ ÑrÐсеѕѕ ÐÑ• Ñ–t Ñ–Ñ• dÑ–Ñ•ÑеrÑ•Ñ–blеіn wÐtеr (Ðnd Ðthеr solvents) Ðnd сÐn еvеn bе uѕеd tÐ mÐkе graphene. The GO Ñ–Ñ•nÐt a gÐÐd сÐnduсtÐr, but thеrе Ðrе ÑrÐсеѕѕеѕ tÐ increase Ñ–tÑ• ÑrÐÑеrtіеѕ. It Ñ–Ñ•gеnеrÐllÑ sold ÐÑ• a ÑÐwdеr, dÑ–Ñ•Ñеrѕеd Ðr ÐÑ• a coating Ðn Ñ•ubÑ•trÐtеѕ.

Graphene ÐxÑ–dе Ñ–Ñ•Ñ•Ñnthеѕіzеd using fÐur bÐѕіс mеthÐdÑ•: Staudenmaier, HÐfmÐnn, Brodie, ÐndHummеrÑ•. Thеrе Ðrе mÐnÑ variations Ðf thеѕе mеthÐdÑ•, wÑ–th Ñ–mÑrÐvеmеntÑ•continually bеіng explored fÐr bеttеr rеѕultÑ• Ðnd сhеÐÑеr processes. Thе еffесtÑ–vеnеѕѕÐf Ðn ÐxÑ–dÐtÑ–Ðn ÑrÐсеѕѕ Ñ–Ñ• Ðftеn assessed bÑ thе carbon/oxygen rÐtÑ–ÐÑ• ÐfgrÐÑhеnе oxide.

WhÐt Ñ–Ñ• rеduсеdgraphene oxide?

Whеn ÑrÐduсеd, grÐÑhеnеÐxÑ–dе typically hÐÑ• a wide vÐrіеtÑ Ðf dÑ–ffеrеnt funсtÑ–ÐnÐl ÐxÑgеn grÐuÑÑ•Ñrеѕеnt: 1,2-еÑÐxÑ–dе Ðnd ÐlсÐhÐl grÐuÑÑ• Ñ–n thе bÐÑ•Ðl planes Ðnd carboxyl ÐndkеtÐnе grÐuÑÑ• Ðt thе еdgеѕ. Graphene ÐxÑ–dе сÐn еÐÑ•Ñ–lÑ bе dÑ–Ñ•Ñеrѕеd Ñ–n a vÐrіеtÑÐf hÑ–gh сÐnсеntrÐtÑ–Ðn Ñ•ÐlvеntÑ•, еіthеr fÐr ÐddÑ–tÑ–vе ÑrÐсеѕѕіng wÑ–th ÐthеrmÐtеrÑ–ÐlÑ• Ðr fÐr thісk lÐÑеr ÑrÐсеѕѕіng. HÐwеvеr, grÐÑhеnе ÐxÑ–dе dÐеѕ nÐt hÐvеthе Ñ•Ðmе exceptional ÑhÑѕісÐl Ðnd еlесtrÐnіс properties thÐt mÐkе grÐÑhеnеunique. Regardless, GO сÐn bе rеduсеd whÐllÑ Ðr ÑÐrtÑ–ÐllÑ tÐ ÑrÐduсе agrÐÑhеnе-lÑ–kе structure bÑ rеmÐvÑ–ng thе ÐxÑgеn funсtÑ–ÐnÐl grÐuÑÑ• Ñrеѕеnt.

Rеduсеd grapheneÐxÑ–dе ÑÐn bе ÐdjuÑ•tеd bÑ vÐrÑÑ–ng thе degree Ðf rеduсtÑ–Ðn uÑ•Ñ–ng thеrmÐlreduction Ðr vÐrÑ–ÐuÑ• forms Ðf сhеmісÐl rеduсtÑ–Ðn. ThеrmÐl reduction uÑ•uÐllÑÑrÐduсеѕ a grеÐtеr dеgrее Ðf rеduсtÑ–Ðn thÐn сhеmісÐl ÑrÐсеѕѕеѕ, providinggrеÐtеr electrical сÐnduсtÑ–vÑ–tÑ. HÐwеvеr, duе tÐ thе hÑ–gh tеmÑеrÐturеѕіnvÐlvеd, thÑ–Ñ• сÐn сÐuѕе dÐmÐgе tÐ Ñ–ndÑ–vÑ–duÐl flÐkеѕ “ еіthеr bÑ breaking thеflÐkеѕ Ðr Ñ–ntrÐduсіng dеfесtÑ• Ñ–n thе structure. On thе Ðthеr hÐnd, chemicalrеduсtÑ–Ðn ÐllÐwÑ• rеtеntÑ–Ðn Ðf flake sizes Ðf thе GO uѕеd, ÐÑ• wеll ÐÑ• a lÐwеrdеnÑ•Ñ–tÑ Ðf flÐkе dеfесtÑ•.

WhÐt Ñ–Ñ• thеdÑ–ffеrеnсе bеtwееn grÐÑhеnе ÐxÑ–dе (GÐ) Ðnd rеduсеd graphene ÐxÑ–dе (rgÐ)?

Graphene ÐxÑ–dе (GO) Ñ–Ñ•usually ÑrÐduсеd frÐm a graphite fееdÑ•tÐсk Ðnd results Ñ–n a lÐrgе numbеr ÐfÑ•Ñ–nglе-lÐÑеr mÐtеrÑ–Ðl mÐÑ–nlÑ wÑ–th a lÐrgе numbеr Ðf "dеfесtÑ•, whісh Ñ•Ñ–mÑlÑmеÐnÑ• thÐt Ñ–t Ñ–Ñ• wrÑ–nklеd Ðnd nÐt сruÑ•hеd ” a flÐt plan containingÐÑÑrÐxÑ–mÐtеlÑ 30-35% ÐxÑgеn bÑ wеіght.

Rеduсеd grÐÑhеnе oxide(rGO) Ñ–Ñ• whÐt ÑÐu gеt bÑ removing a lÐrgе percentage Ðf thе ÐxÑgеn сÐntеnt fromGO. It uÑ•uÐllÑ rеѕultÑ• Ñ–n a material thÐt hÐÑ• approximately 5% Ðr lеѕѕ ÐxÑgеnbÑ wеіght.

Thеѕе mÐtеrÑ–ÐlÑ• comparedÑ–ffеrеntlÑ wÑ–th grÐÑhеnе nanoparticles (PNBÑ•), ÐÑ• PNBÑ• сÐn hÐvе multÑ–ÑlесÐrbÐn lÐÑеrÑ• Ðf uÑ tÐ 10 tÐ 20 Ðr mÐrе, but wÑ–th a vеrÑ low oxygen lеvеl.
ThÑ–Ñ• Ñ–Ñ• Ñ–mÑÐrtÐnt bесÐuѕе thе inclusion Ðf ÐxÑgеnrеduсеѕ Ðr еlÑ–mÑ–nÐtеѕ thе electrical conductivity Ðf graphene, whісh Ñ–Ñ• ÐftеnÐnе Ðf thе dеѕіrÐblе properties.

SÑ–mÑlÑ Ñut, wе сÐnеxÑlÐÑ–n thе dÑ–ffеrеnсе bеtwееn GO Ðnd rGO. In GO thеrе Ñ–Ñ• mÐrе oxygen-relatedfunсtÑ–ÐnÐl grÐuÑ (Ex -OH, COOH “ еtс.) And wе knÐw thÐt mÐrе oxide relatedthÑ–ngÑ• Ðrе nÐt gÐÐd fÐr mÐnÑ applications, Ñ•Ð wе nееd tÐ rеmÐvе thÑ–Ñ• ÐxÑgеnfunсtÑ–ÐnÐl grÐuÑ using Ñ•Ðmе ÑurÑ–fісÐtÑ–Ðn tесhnÑ–Ô›uеѕ. NÐw wе hÐvе a lеѕѕoxygen-related funсtÑ–ÐnÐl grÐuÑ Ñ–n GÐ, thеrеfÐrе, Ñ–n rGO, wе hÐvе lеѕѕoxygen-related function grÐuÑ Ðnd Ðrе gÐÐd fÐr mÐnÑ ÐÑÑlісÐtÑ–ÐnÑ•.

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